# About talks ## How to find a subject -- ## Who am I? [![Ruby on Rails freelance](/assets/images/avatar-dccc6af7.png)](http://cecilitse.org/) Cecile Rails dev / coach
Teacher at [Le Wagon](https://www.lewagon.com/)
Remote worker --- ## How to find a subject? --- ## Gems You can talk about gems that - You find essential in your project
(eg. [enumerize](https://github.com/brainspec/enumerize)) - Were recently released
(eg. [synvert](https://github.com/xinminlabs/synvert)) - You just discovered -- But what if people **already know** the gem? At least some wouldn't have heard about it. -- And **where** can I find new gems? - [Ruby Weekly](http://rubyweekly.com/) - [RubyFlow](http://www.rubyflow.com/) - Ruby users on Twitter - [Gemsavvy](http://gemsavvy.tips/) ;-) --- ## Conferences / events Give feedbacks about Ruby gigs you've attended. - [Rails Mentors](http://ruby-nord.org/en/#rails-mentors) - [Ruby Belgium](http://rubybelgium.be/) - [Paris.rb](http://www.rubyparis.org/) - [ArrrrCamp](http://arrrrcamp.be/) - [EuRuKo](http://euruko.org/) - ... --- ## New formats You can also try different formats. - **Round table** - 3-5' on a specific topic
(eg. your Rails architecture) - **Live coding** - Showcase something
(eg. realtime chat) - **Quick recap** - Present a design pattern
(eg. decorators) --- ## Still no idea? I don't believe you! -- Have a look at talks that where given in **other cities/conferences**. -- **Invite speakers** or ask them if you can **reuse** their slides. -- **Get in touch** with attendees during events. They'll tell you **on what** they're currently interested in. --- ## No more excuses! [@cecilitse](http://twitter.com/cecilitse)